Makeshift Dinner
Weekend is always when we clean out our leftover scraps. This weekend was no different. Tonight we scrounged around for dinner:
- Teriyaki chicken (leftover from eating out the day before - Japanese)
- Steamed rice (also leftovers)
- Potstickers
I peeked in our packed freezer (too many tubs of ice cream I tell ya!!) and pulled out those Ling Ling frozen potstickers. With some oil on my frying pan, I stuck the frozen potstickers on medium/high heat, and fried the bottoms. When they got to a nice crunchy brown bottom, I poured a little bit of water and covered the pan to steam it a bit. (potsticker dipping sauce - a mixture of soy sauce, white vinegar, and lots of chili sauce hehe)
- Gai-lan (Chinese broccoli)
Wayne cut it up in 2-3 inch pieces, rinsed them, and boiled them for 5 minutes. After draining them, I seasoned them with a tad of sesame oil, tossed them, and then plated it. Drizzled oyster sauce over it. Yum!
So there's our makeshift dinner. Tada!
(Tomorrow - now that we've cleaned out our fridge, time to think of next week's menu)
Posted by Ruth at 6/19/2005
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