Thursday, October 03, 2002

Yesterday I worked hard all day at my Chapter 1, to realize in the evening that I totally screwed up and had to start all over. The direction and the focus I was going with my first draft was completely OFF and I was so frustrated. I ended up starting all over late last night, and its starting to look better. Let's cross our fingers and see if I can pull an entire chapter for today. Oh wait, today is Thursday's NBC lineup, my TV night. Oh well, so much for that goal. Haha.

Last night Wayne got a phone call from one of his graduating classmates from UCD. K got married the exact same day that we did, and they also just bought a house in our development, so they are living really close to Mike. K and his wife are moving in really soon, and I think Wayne is excited about having him be close by and having me and his wife get to know each other. Gosh, I'm so not good at this wifey role in meeting "my husband's co-workers and families" and all that stuff. The past couple work/social events Wayne brought me to, I was so uncomfortable. Greeting so-and-so's wife and so-and-so's husband and so what do you do? Ahhh.. how nice. How's the new house? Yes, well, we just remodeled the kitchen and it was so much work blah blah blah... and all this nonsense talk while we are sipping on champagne. I'm not comfortable with all this upper crust society social stuff. But I know its important to Wayne because he wants to continue building relationships with his co-workers, which I wholeheartedly agree is important. But I'm a little iffy on the wifey stuff though. While the men are talking work and all that, we group together and find something to gab/gossip about. It gets awkward (and potentially lame). One time, Clement was visiting us in Sac, and we dragged him to a BBQ event, so he understands what I'm talking about. Too fake for me, but hilarious at the same time. Anyways, I met J's wife on several social outings, and I was NOT impressed (I hope she's not reading my blog). Not my idea of having fun. Maybe K's wife will be a bit more personal..? Aiya, being a doctor's wife can turn out to be really petty...what do I care anyways... What am I turning into?? Kill me already.... *sigh*

Posted by Ruth at 10/03/2002


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