Just found out that I missed a property tax payment... argh. And its a big whopper bill too... aiya. We'll be tight this month (still got the monthly bills to do next week)... so we might have to dip into our reserves... dah.
Currently packing for WCC while watching the U.N. Security Council deliberations on CNN. French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin gave a pretty good speech... to which much of it I would tend to agree. But according to our current administration, since war is "seemingly" inevitable, despite the difference in opinion that I have, I ought to try my best to support our troops and the efforts that our administration is doing. I'm not terribly fond of Bush, but because I'm just a civilian and not fully informed of all the intelligence that surrounds this situation, I'll try not to be quick to judge.
Wayne will come home around noon, and we'll do a V-day luncheon (can't do dinner because of WCC). Then we'll load up the car and pick up Jerry. Then its off to WCC! Yay!
Posted by Ruth at 2/14/2003
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