Tuesday, February 11, 2003

A THOUSAND apologies..

... to some of my social work friends who have been trying to get ahold of me to meet up... I was cleaning out my inbox today and accidentally discovered emails dating back to last October that I've never read... this is so terrible... aiya!! Email is so terrible sometimes. I download it, and forget about it sometimes, not even reading it. Plus, its such a ridiculous hassle to figure out schedules via email. Trying to meet up with M and J has been a big frustration too, as my schedule fills up way faster than I anticipate, and email is never as quick as a phone call. And speaking of M and J, I'm getting this feeling that its not working out (priority-wise) and I may have to make an exit from their groupie. I was never comfortable in the beginning, and I'm waiting for a signal or situation from God to move in a definate direction. Or maybe they'll kick me out before I decide (which will greatly simply my decision)...? *wink*

Posted by Ruth at 2/11/2003


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