Man... too much eating lately. Every time we're in San Jose visiting the in-laws, we come back with a bit more pinch on our sides. His mom always cooks a ton of food, and plus, when we are hanging out with our friends, they all eat very heartily as well (how can you resist that?!) and now that my father-in-law is up here and we are hanging with Wayne's grandparents and uncle.... there's more eating. I think this time, bloating is just a tad bit more uncomfortable because of that Superbowl party the other day. I think there was almost 30 people at one point at Liping/Steve's house... and constant eating. I was so stuffed that I could barely get off the couch. But who can beat good food and good company? That's why it was so hard to say no. =)
Had my Perspectives class last night again. On the way to class, Stephen was excitedly sharing stories about his new "housemate" and all the drama that comes with her. On the way back, he was really quiet (feeling sick) while Jerry was singing Milli Vanilli songs. I'm really liking the class, and makes it more enjoyable to share it with friends and be able to go through the material and learn together. I can see that Jerry is soaking it all up like an eager sponge who's thirsty. It's awesome. The only catch I noticed with the class, however, is that with each class session is a guest speaker... and the guest speakers that our class chooses are heavily influenced by the local churches in the Davis area. And in terms of missions organizations, there's alot of Frontiers influence as well as a passion for the Muslim nations. I've noticed that our class is interested in many other people groups (one of them being China and other parts of Asia) but there isn't much encouragement to go elsewhere beyond the muslim people groups. Variety would be nice, but I suppose each Perspectives class has their own slant, depending on available guest speakers and the local churches' influences. Our class just happens to be heavily endorsing Frontiers... One thing that bothered me was that Bob Blincoe a week back was hinting that the philosophy of Frontiers was superior to other mission group tactics. I had to disagree... there are plenty of mission groups with a variety of tactics that God is constantly working through and with... maybe there are some more effective than others (and perhaps some may be more harmful than good), but I don't think one is singularly superior to the rest.
Anyways, just my personal thoughts...
Posted by Ruth at 1/28/2003
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