Monday, January 27, 2003

Back from San Jose an hour ago. We had fun hanging out with SS friends, although I'm noticing a trend when we go back down... the friends we hang out with are only the single ones. And we've seen them practically every weekend this month. Including next weekend in SD with Will Mok. The party is a bit too big for our comfort, as we had wanted our vacation to be a bit of private time as well as seeing friends. So we're still trying to figure out accomodations for our vacation in So Cal, while keeping in mind our need for privacy and space. And speaking of vacation coming up so quickly, I'm thinking I should finish my Lesson 3 homework (Perspectives) before I go. I wouldn't want to bring homework along. Blech.

We brought up Peter & Jean's old piano (that was briefly owned by Albert & Cheryl. It's super old, but not junky... all it needs is a professional tune-up and it should be alright...

Posted by Ruth at 1/27/2003


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