Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Perspectives was really cool. A bit slow on the first day, since it was mostly logistics and introduction, but I know I'm going to enjoy this course. It wasn't anything that I didn't expect... almost like a refresher course on the past four years of my life. Saw alot of familiar looking faces, some of them approaching me and reminiscing on old undergrad days at UCC. Jerry took notes like a madman ready to take a test, and Cap'n Jang struggled to stay awake after a hard day's work. I kept poking at Henry and talking in class (I get fidgety really fast) and half doodled on my notebook. I'm looking forward to next week.

Wayne's cooking dinner tonight. I requested his famous maple syrup pan-fried pork chops (I know that sounds gross but its really good)... YUM.

Posted by Ruth at 1/14/2003


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