Thursday, January 02, 2003

Hung out with Wayne pretty much all day yesterday. He was on-call, but came home because there wasn't much activity going on, and just did orders over the phone (there weren't any admissions to do). So that was cool.

I missed seeing Karen the past week or so. She was visiting from Chicago, and got a chance to see Mel and Ivana (I'm so jealous) but since I'm stuck up here in Sac, I can't hang with the rest of them. (Plus, I'm dying to meet her new bf.. haha). Oh well.. maybe when Wayne and I get a chance to visit my brother and some of his family in Chicago, we can see Karen then. Tash and Archie are probably staying over tonight, and then Gene over the weekend. Had a little crisis on New Year's... and it'll be damage control from there. But it'll be alright. I'm confident about that.

A little impatient lately. Needing some personal space lately too. It's a funny thing about blogs... you would think that people with journals have some aspect of introvertedness (is that a word?) and introspection and an appreciation for private thoughts. Which is ironic because blogs are quite public, and those who truely stick with these blogs either 1) don't blog that deeply or 2) really bare all and are introverts that secretly crave exposure or 3) struggle with being yourself and honest, yet have to censor entries because its the world wide web. I probably fit in with option #3... sometimes I treat this blog too much like my real journal, and have to remember that not all my thoughts and feelings are meant for everyone to see... which results in the feeling of over-exposure or the fear of stalkers... And then there is the issue of readers not adhering to blog-ettiquette (yes, there IS such a thing) but maybe I'll blog about that later. =)

Posted by Ruth at 1/02/2003


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