Bob Blincoe said once that in order not to lose heart (2 Cor. 4:16), "go get yourself a ministry". That struck me as interesting, and I thought about that for awhile. Essentially he meant, go serve God, or go get involved in God's work.
In relation to that, Blackaby & King drilled into me some truths that I've been mulling over lately... one of them being that I simply do not believe/see God working around me. Terrible stuff, huh? Because it shows a lack of faith (who said you have to see it to believe it?) Also suffering from a lack of humility. So I'm praying for those things in me. And I'm reminded of the process of being part of God's work:
1) Watching for God at work around me.
2) Joining God's work: From my love relationship with God (in which He draws me into), He calls me to an assignment.
3) With the assignment, the Holy Spirit equipts me for the assignment; God at work through me with his spiritual giftedness (spiritual gifts) to complete what He's called me to do.
And I'm still struggling with #1. =P
Posted by Ruth at 1/23/2003
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