Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Finding your thirst:

1. Admit confusion:
- Ask tough questions.
- Don't cover confusion with the blanket of dogmatism or easy answers.
- Let confusion drive you to faith.

2. Acknowledge disappointment:
- Reflect on how others have let you down or failed to come through as you deeply wanted them to.
- Don't numb your disappointment with the anesthetic of denial, forced love, or cheap forgiveness.
- Let disappointment drive you to hope.

3. Accept conviction:
- Look squarely at how you protect yourself from feeling disappointment in relationships by keeping your distance from people.
- Don't escape conviction by trying hard to always do the right thing. Explore the motives beneath your good behavior.
- Let conviction drive you to love.

- Larry Crabb, Inside Out

Posted by Ruth at 5/28/2003


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