Today I'm blogging from 95120. It's been awhile since we've been down here, everything all nostalgic and all. Everyone down here is SO laid back, the weather SO mild. Love it.
So anyways, here's a recap of the weekend:
Friday - Took P to Amtrack, ran home to do some errands, rushed to pick up TL so we could visit CW in Davis. Delivered a care package and stayed there a couple hours chatting and catching up. Rushed back to drop TL off her house, rush back to my place to grab a graduation gift, and run back to Davis for Steph's UCD med school graduation. Met up with Lucy and Camille, Cindy and Phil. Rushed back to Sac for Steph's get-together afterwards, and didn't leave her place til close to 3am. While driving back home, I didn't realize a car following me all the way home, until I parked at my driveway and noticed a car hovering in front of my house. The driver got out of the car, called out to me. I was FREAKED out. It was FRIGGIN' 3am in the morning! Turns out it was only Mark who saw me on the road and wanted to say hi. He nearly gave me a heart attack, and for a split second, I thought about using my high heels as a weapon.
Saturday - Wayne came home from work with a little more than 2 hours of sleep the night before. We hastly packed for the weekend and drove down for Chris and Audrey's wedding. We're so happy for them. They'll be moving into 95833 in a week, and we can't wait. We're so desperate for more bay area friends up here (esp. couple friends) its crazy. We saw some of Wayne's old UCLA buddies there, as well as some Sacramento people, TONS of SF people, and others as well. Pretty fun. Anyways, many congrats to the couple - we're really happy for them. Came home close to midnight, stuffed to our ears and ready to konk out.
Sunday - A VERY RELAXING DAY. Enough said.
Posted by Ruth at 6/08/2003
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