Friday, August 15, 2003

It's that time again... Friday Five!

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Indefinately. If the computer's on, I'm automatically online. Whether I'm actually at the computer or not, that's another question. I usually take an hour doing email, blogging, browsing/researching for various stuff, etc. But if I end up chatting with someone, who knows how long it'll take.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?
Yahoo page.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
AIM and Yahoo messenger. I hardly log onto ICQ anymore.

4. Where was your first webpage located?
Gosh, I don't remember. It was sometime during my undergrad and I had a site on geocities. It was kinda lame. But the first site that I regularly maintained will probably have to be my first blog (my wedding rants). I had this innovative idea to blog the last 30 days of my single life before the wedding day.

5. How long have you had your current website?
This current blog, I've had since I got married. So that's around 14 months.

Posted by Ruth at 8/15/2003


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