To Do List
My upcoming projects:
1. Currently reading the following books: Larry Crabb's SoulTalk, Barbara Hughes's Disciplines of a Godly Woman, J.I. Packer's Knowing God
2. Plant SMUD free trees (we got four of them sitting in our backyard)
3. Start next knitting project - a matching fuzzy hat to go with my scarf
4. Organize Nepal pics and post an online album
5. Write that Nepal update prayer letter
6. Use my new cookie cutters for this week's kinship meeting (pretty appetizers!)
7. Figure out how to properly pipe icing designs onto cookies (see #6)
8. Plan kinship meeting for this week
9. Thanksgiving: Figure out what sort of menu to do next Thurs (yes, we'll be in Sac for Thanksgiving - who wants to join us?)
10. Christmas: Figure out what to do (newsletter? picture? cards? presents?)
11. Re-teaching myself Mandarin with these new CD/tapes
12. Researching on any sewing classes for the spring
13. Figure out how to take those grease and paint stains off of Wayne's pants
14. Usual weekly cleaning house stuff/dishes/bathrooms/laundry/meal-planning for the week
15. Weekly appointments with friends, personal ministry stuff
16. Tonight - Date night! Yay!
Who said the life of a homemaker was boring? I'm having a blast.
Posted by Ruth at 11/15/2004
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