Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I'm understanding my body better these days. Sometimes when I don't really understand what's going on in the inside (or rather, I just don't want to go there), my physical body will tell me otherwise. Particularly when I'm 1) stressed or 2) depressed/upset over something. Here are, what I've recently noted, my physical symptoms for each:

- Decrease in sleep
- Decrease in appetite

- Increase in sleep
- Increase in appetite

Interesting, no? And lately I was wondering why I've been sleeping +10 hours a night (when my body usually tops out at 8), and constantly snacking, just to fill myself (and not because I'm hungry). Ok, well, so those really weren't my first indicators. The very FIRST thing that caught my eye was that my "loose" jeans (the ones that have always been a tad baggy for me) are now on the tight side. Devastating. I know my snacking has to do with it, but beyond that, something deeper is going on. Do I want to explore it? I have to force myself to do it.

Posted by Ruth at 2/15/2006


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