Wayne's Online!!
Between the two of us, I'm the one that's online all the time. My computer is always on, I leave my trillian on all the time (it holds my AIM, Yahoo Msgr, ICQ, MSN), and I get an instant notification if I get an from any of my 3 email accounts. Yep, this way you can reach me faster than a phone call.
On the other hand, the last time Wayne was online was probably back in college, when ICQ was all the rage. That was almost 10 years ago. Now barely anyone is on it (except for me and a select few), most are on AIM or Yahoo. Anyhow, now that he is all settled in his new job, they've given him a laptop for work-related purposes. He brings it home and of course, with our wireless network, I'm playing around with it all the time. I installed for him Yahoo Msgr, and it took awhile for him to get accustomed to all the screennames and little symbols. Now he can message me when he's in between patients! Here's a clipit of some of our chats:
wmlee_75: just did a circumcision
roofth: ewww
Posted by Ruth at 2/07/2006
Circumcision...ewww is right...or should we be saying "Ouch!"? What a message to send eh?! LOL
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