Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Mid-Week Ramble

Been busy this week, but I spread out my stuff so I wouldn't be too overwelmed. I do miss my knitting though (I know, I don't even have time for that either!!) =( By next week I should have more time, so I'll finally get to tackle some things I haven't been able to do in awhile:

1) Knit (aka: seam blue sweater neckline, get some more lace rows in)
2) Workout!!
3) Housework (bathrooms, organize craft room clutter, do bed sheets)
4) Laundry

By May I want to:

1) Finish both knitted sweaters (the Bella Paquita and the Peppermint Twist)
2) Organize my closet (aka: throwing out old clothes I barely touch)
3) Refilling my closet (aka: shopping!)
4) Get started on my sewing! =)

My head is a bit clearer now. I would love to have a weekend all to myself for a mini self-retreat, but who has the luxury of that? My journalling and prayer times are keeping me grounded so far. I've also recently been thumbing through Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Church, since our church is currently searching for a new pastor. It'll be a big change/adjustment, since our current pastor has been there for several decades. I've also been going through some marriage books for our Couples Kinship, only to find some intriguing books for myself. The thing about leading a fellowship group for the lifestage you're at - there's a fine balance between feeding yourself while feeding/guiding your group. Even though I have 3-4 more years of marriage, I'm still fumbling around myself.

Ok, enough of the rambling. I have some Spring Tea phone calls to make, still have to review my Mandarin for the midterm tonight, and skim through some wedding details for Pete & Viv for Saturday. Off I go!

Posted by Ruth at 4/05/2006


  1. Anonymous Anonymous posted at 10:47 PM  
    I want in on the shopping.

    I think a mini-self retreat is a great idea. Mention it to Wayne...I'm sure he'd agree.

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